Friday, November 4, 2016

Merrick's Letter to Catherine

I've come across a letter that my Great Grandfather, Merrick Luther Smith wrote to his wife.  He appears to be living in Mitteneague, West Springfield, MA.  This letter gives us a glimpse into his personality as he wrote it as a poem. There are a few places toward the end that I had a difficult time transcribing the words.  I put down what I think it says, but don't know the meaning.

Mitteneague July 21, /97
My Dear Wife

I now set down with pen in hand
To write you a letter as long as I can
Which wont be very long you can bet your old hat
But you probably already know about that

A I am writing this letter I've not much to tell
Only that I am getting along nicely + feeling quite well
I do my own house work + feed my self
and I am living up on the top shelf

For my supper tonight I has a squash frye
With a pan of Bonnams sitting close by
And the Biscuit was fine that I got at the start
and this isn't all but I wont tell any moor

For you might think I am living quite a fast life
Down here all alone with out any wife
But you know I am alone + can do as I please
And I don't I live on crackers and cheese

Now I will try to show you the house as it looks
With my cloths on the floor instead of the hooks
The coal hod is full + the lamps are all black
and I am going to leave it like that until you get back

The flys + cob webs are on windows + wall
The car dust is all over the floor in the hall
The stove is heaped up till it wont hold any moor
And now it falling all over the floor

And as I was looking at the floor tonight
I had to acknowledge it was quite a sight
With the greese spots all over + the dirt an inch thick
And I though if you could see it it would make you sick

But don't get scart beforr you hirt
For I am going to dig out all the dirt
And I will clean it all + make it all write
But it does look like the very deveal tonight

Now this letter I close for I can't write any morr
So I put out the Fuiter + lock up the door
And to bed I will go as soon as I can
And I think of you sleeping without any man

But never mind dear I make it all wright
For we sleep together the very first night
And bring that along you said you keep
For without that I know I could not sleep

So I bid you goodnight + go off to bed
And wad up my pillow + lay down my head
And sleep the sleep of the happy + free
And dream all the night that you are with me

Give my love to all + kiss the little Dincks for me
Your mhast
M. L. Smith
The Old Man

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