Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 1st, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 1st, 1975
Aug 1
Sailing Day

  • 23 miles
  • More rapid-big but not difficult-5 major ones
  • Very fast between lakes-on 5-6 mph
  • sailed across 2nd big lake
  • Big carry at esker - dragged canoes -1 mile wide!
  • Camped on barren island to avoid bugs. - Tern island
  • Grayling in evening on Hairy Mary
  • Brad Hager got 7 lb Togue
  • 1.5-2.0# 

There is a drawing int the middle of this page that I believe depicts the setup of the canoes and kayak for sailing.  Check out the image for details.  Also, I believe Togue is another name for Lake Trout.

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