Monday, November 7, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-July 30th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-July 30th, 1975

July 30th
  • 10 miles-Dead tired
  • Terrific L.T. fishing in AM. Many on surface on 9-3
  • Stopped for lunch on esker
  • Caribou horns. Cleaver found quartz sample
  • Stopped at "rock vent"- Whats in bedsbine sturn - Brad H. says olivine -gabbo Found tuff and basalt scorin (big boulders). Also quartz- vein in glacial erratic.  
  • Camped on river well above first big rapids.
Lake Trout Day
Rock Nest Day

I did the best I could on this one but there are a number of words I couldn't identify.  Given the context, they are likely minerals or other geologic terms (which I should be able to get, but am not able to).  Maybe some of the other geologists in the family can do better.

Lake Trout

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