Monday, November 14, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 7th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 7th, 1975
Aug 7
Putnam Port Cord Day (Cabin) 12.5 miles
Another beautiful day-practically windless. Midges terrible at breakfast and again at supper.

  • Lunch uneventful
  • Finally through sandy flat section
  • Stopped at cabin in beautiful "pond in river"  Marmot very close.
  • Dinner at narrow split L River. Fishing fabulous. I caught 4# Female "bright" char on #8 Hairy Mary + lots of Grayling. Also on N. Pike on spinner reel.  Many Togue (biggest 10#) and northern by others.
  • I got grayling, taken by togue+hooked. Broke line 
Char attacked by big Walten 4" wand.

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