Sunday, November 20, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 13th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 13th, 1975
Aug 13
Copper Day
Spent day in camp at 1st stream beyond story creek. B.Bond forded the stream.  Others went across river, climbed to the top of sept. mtn. Found caribou remains and wolf rib cage. R.H. found beautiful large lump of Cu on south branch of river.
I walked downstream to 1st creek above Big creek, then up creek 3 miles, then straight back to camp for Cu 7 miles.
Beautiful gravel valley reaches as high as 1700'  high
Found ore veins in creek, lots of malichite, garnite, cupsite, and tons of elemental Cu. Also quartz veins. Found mining dump ea 1000' of borings. Date on newspaper fragment was June 19, '68
Saw 2 small falcons (merlin?)
0 miles

Cont from Aug 13
B.H./P.H. caught 4 grailing a 1 togue after supper at stony creek. B.H. killed ptarmigan with stick.
B.B. walked up to rocky creek after supper. Got nice Bornite speciman at top of talus slope. Found 2nd mine dump. 

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