Sunday, November 13, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 5th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 5th, 1975
Aug 5
Ptarmigan Hunt Day
Foggy at 7:00. then clear
Strong wind at our backs all day
Ate lunch at top of mtn. Then climbed father to beatiful mtn. tarn
View magnificent-oxbows
Sailed 8 m after lunch, then paddled 4. For total of 20.
Camped at Franklin site-Under lofty mtnn.
Hunted Ptarmigan after dinner by throwing sticks.
2 flew clear across river.
No fish! What gives?
Wolf female and cub walked up beach to camp during night.

The Franklin he mentioned was John Franklin, the arctic explorer.  This was likely from his Coppermine exploration of 1819-1822.

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