Saturday, November 26, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 14th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 14th, 1975
Aug 14
Beautiful, clear day. Foggy before 7:00 am. Slow start ~ on water at 11:00 am! Saw eagle in nest - lots of pictures. Mama left for parts unknown.

Stopped at Copper creek for lunch. 3 lb pike by __ ant Dot. RH saw "short-furred dog" 
P.H. saw 3 bears. No copper. ate dinner including fried ptarmigan at same spot.
Canoed down to Melaile R. 7-9 pm. Lovely evening.
Caught Grayling in Melaile R. before bed(9-10 PM.) Sun still up at 10:00 but less a _______.
16 miles
( below freezing last night-lie in tent and in camp.)
Chuck caught 9 lb char and 11 lb togue at 11:00 p, in Melaile entry to C.R.

I had a bit of trouble reading this one and may of gotten some of the words wrong.  I had a really hard time toward the end of the page and couldn't even figure out one of the words.

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