Sunday, November 6, 2016

Coppermine River trip-July 29th, 1975

My father took a bunch of amazing trips through his life and I came across his journal for some of them.  I thought I would take some time to transcribe one of the trip.  He also took a large amount of photos on these trips, and when we get the converted to digital, I'll revisit this log and add the photos to them.  I am having a bit of trouble reading Dad's writing, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.  So here goes.

January 29th, 1975

Edmonton to Yellow Knife
  • Visit to Y.K. "Giant" Mine
    • Ore samples from dump
  • Flew into Red Rock Lake
  • Paddled in 107 mile
  • 2 1 # togue - Cleaver caught 3-4 lb on daredevil.
  • One mild rapid - very heavy current
  • Cleaver Bags last
  • I did not sleep well. Sun woke me at 3:00 am in N.E. (set in N.W.)
  • Lake Trout Day (Cleaver)
  • Forest Fire in NW on way in

I am not sure about the statement "Cleaver Bags last".  Bags is my best guess.  Cleaver was one of the other people on the trip.  Maybe someone can come up with a better transcription, so I'll add images of each of the pages to the blog.

Coppermine Trip July 29th, 1975

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