Thursday, November 17, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 10th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 10th, 1975
Aug 10
Day of Rest
Everyone up late. Beautiful weather - cool, sunny, just enough wind to keep bugs reasonable.
Up hill to photo. "Falcons" Mottle talon. lovely wings-2-3' wing spread. Thinks gros-grown on top.
Hike on hills.
Bath + repacking in sun.
Washed clothes.
Ran to Kendall's R. Camped 1/2 mile up river on top of 25' canyon of spectacular layer shale.  Caught togue (up to 8#) and many Grayling in river.
Found big blocks of shale with ripple marks. 
Rain in PM. Cleared at 9:30 a beautiful rainbow.
6 miles

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