Thursday, March 1, 2018

May 8th, 1961-Zurich, Switzerland from Geneva

May 8th, 1961
Zurich, Switzerland from Geneva
Fair, sunny, fairly warm

Boarded our train to Zurich in good time and had a very good seat.  Swiss trains are clean and comfortable. Had a splendid dinner on the train with the usual interminable courses.  Before we left Geneva, we made one last purchase - a couple of Swiss horns for David and Dickie.  The hotel where Hotel Alba booked us in Zurich seems reasonably satisfactory. Our room is comfortable and has adjoining bath. After arriving, we explored the city and found a Tourist Bureau where we booked a tour to Lucerne for tomorrow. We leave at 2:00 pm and get back at 7:15 pm.  The hotel is called Hotel Du Theatre and has some very peculiar statuary outside whose meaning is lost to us. Strolled by the Zurichsee this evening.

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