Wednesday, March 14, 2018

May 21st, 1961-Fishguard, and London-then Bexhill: Cardiff, Swansea, Fishguard all in Wales

  • May 21st, 1961
  • Fishguard, and London-then Bexhill Cardiff, Swansea, Fishguard all in Wales
  • Clean, Sunny-Cloudy, cool in London

Steward woke us at Fishguard and brought us big mugs of hot tea at 3:00 a.m. The air was soft and mild when we came out to the train. Our compartment empty until Swansea when a very nice couple with their little girl occupied it with us to London. Got a taxi from Paddington Station to Victoria and connected immediately with the London train. Had the compartment to ourselves all the way to Bexhill.  Steward brought us tea and sandwiches.  Charles and James were waiting at train stop for us and Peter drove us all to St. Norbert’s.  We had been warned about traveling at Whitsun but had absolutely no trouble. In the evening Peter drove us to the boys school and then on to Rye*, one of the oldest towns in England. Lovely old church and homes. Home to a supper cooked by Kay.

* At Rye we came upon a group of men in Old English Costumes dancing in the street to ancient music played by a fiddler (Morris Dancers)

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