Thursday, March 15, 2018

May 22nd, 1961-St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, England

  • May 22nd, 1961
  • St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, England
  • Cool-clear, sunny

A perfect day-clear and sunny. Slept wonderfully and spent most of the day in the hammock in Kay’s garden. Very relaxing after the pressure upon us traveling during the past few weeks. Dad and Peter off for some golf this morning. Back about 3 pm when we had a porch lunch. A lazy afternoon with everyone resting either in the house or garden. After tea Dad and I walked down to the beach in the lovely evening sunshine. Ocean never more beautiful-dark blue with snowy breakers lapping the shore. In the evening Peter drove us all to Hastings to see the lights and the castle lighted up.  The Canbarra new 45,000 ton liner sailed by all lighted.  Very beautiful. On its way to Australia on its maiden voyage.

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