Monday, March 12, 2018

May 19th, 1961-Wexford, Ireland

  • May 19th, 1961
  • Wexford, Ireland
  • Sunny-Fairly Warm

Found a car and chauffeur to take us over the surrounding country.  Chauffeur, Bryant Kennedy, wonderful companion and excellent guide.  Visited Titania’s Palace, the world’s most perfect miniature structure conceived by Sir Nevile Wilkinson at his Mt. Merrion home south of Dublin. * Had dinner at Wooden Bridge hotel in the Vale of Avoca. Then visited Glendaloch, County Wicklow where we saw the Chapel of St. Kevin, the ruins of the community church there and the oldest Norman Round Tower in Ireland, where the monks sought refuge with the sacred vessels when attacked.  Some of the most beautiful of scenery in Ireland.  Visited the rivers made famous by Thomas Moore, Irish Poet, in his “meeting of the waters”

*Daughter saw a fairy in her garden and father conceived idea of building a fairy palace for Titania and Oberon.

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