Thursday, March 8, 2018

May 15th, 1961-Meadow House, Brentwood

  • May 15th, 1961
  • Meadow House, Brentwood
  • Cloudy w/sunshine late afternoon

Went to London to see about tours to Scotland or Ireland. Dropped into Cunard Lines to pick up labels for our luggage and found that a mistake had been made on our tickets. Queen Mary sails on the 24th-our date, June 1st, is for the Queen Elizabeth.  Although Queen Mary is listed on ticket.  Will go in tomorrow to see about rectifying this.  Had a nice dinner at the Chicken Inn + got some information on a voyage to Southern Ireland.  Ann’s mother operated on this morning. Word tonight is encouraging. Will more later.  Supper in the drawing room with Ann’s father as additional guest. Very pleasant.

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