Tuesday, March 6, 2018

May 13th, 1961-The Hague, Harwich, England

  • May 13th, 1961
  • The Hague, Harwich, England
  • Clear, sunny, fairly mild

Had an early breakfast and took the boat train for the Hook of Holland. There we boarded the steamer to cross the North Sea to Harwich. All went smoothly through customs.  Very nice dinner and high tea on board the boat. Secured deck chairs when we got aboard and had the sunny side of the deck. Very relaxing trip. Sea calm and no pitch to boat. Arrived in London about 8:40 PM and secured accommodations at the Great Eastern Hotel.  Excellent room and everything comfortable and very clean.  Went to bed immediately as we were pleasantly tired and must be up to look for a church tomorrow morning.

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