Sunday, March 18, 2018

May 24th, 1961-St Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex

  • May 24th, 1961
  • St Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex
  • Clear, sunny, cool, warm late in p.m.

Another lovely day, England does have days when the sky is a blue bowl. We were beginning to doubt it. Kay busy this morning, so I walked down to the sea. Dad was playing golf again with Peter. After a nice lunch served on the porch, we all went in Peter’s car to see the boys play cricket. Their school was matched against another nearby one. Unfortunately Summerfields lost. James and Charles made a good showing though my knowledge of cricket is very meager.  After the game (satisfying tea at intermission) Peter drove us into the country. We saw Ashburnham a lovely and vast estate which the heir is stripping of timber to pay off taxes, etc. Too bad to see such an attractive spot going piecemeal.

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