Friday, March 2, 2018

May 9th, 1961-Zurich, Switzerland, Du Theatre

  • May 9th, 1961
  • Zurich, Switzerland, Du Theatre
  • Cool, Windy, some Sunniness

Went over to the station this morning and bought tickets for The Hague on the de-lux train, Europa. Got a scarf for Grannie and some socks to go with the boys’ alpine shorts.  The people here differ from those in Paris and Geneva.  In the latter two places, no one noticed anyone else.  Here they will look each other over.  Can it be the change from French to German? This afternoon we took a 5 hr. Trip to Lake Lucerne.  Beautiful scenery-indescribable- with its lakes and mountains.  Stopped at Brunnen on the way back at a little tea room for coffee and cakes.  Passed through village, Berne, made famous by William Tell. Saw towers and fortifications dating back 1000 years.

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