Friday, March 23, 2018

May 29th, 1961-St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea

May 29th, 1961
St. Norbert’s, Bexhill-on-Sea
Sunny early a.m. - Cold, rainy later

Went in to Hastings this morning to have my hair done. Very nice shop and service. Began to rain hard as we came back. Good for the gardens. They certainly need it. In spite of England’s cloudy, lowering weather there has been very little rainfall since we have been here.
This afternoon Kay, Dad and I came up to London and caught the train to Brentwood. Letter waiting from Helen. Nice supper with lots of fun and laughter. Key left for the mews about 9:30 pm. To bed fairly early. Tomorrow we must pack and get all our bags to Waterloo Station for shipping.

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