Wednesday, February 28, 2018

May 7th, 1961-Geneva Switzerland

  • May 7th, 1961
  • Geneva Switzerland
  • Sunny-Mild

Another uncomfortable night with my cold. Woke to bright sunshine with not a cloud in the sky. Discovered yesterday morning they had toasted English muffins instead of Petits Pauis so have been getting them for breakfast. Very good! Went to La Grande Messe at 10:00 a.m. at Notre Dame. A beautiful church with its Swiss Guard stalking the middle aisle with his sword and Halberd.  Chanting of portions of the mass by the congregation was very effective. Dinner at same place as yesterday. A stroll in the afternoon and packing tonight.  We leave for Zurich tomorrow a.m. A quiet day.

Basilique Notre-Dame, Genève.jpg
 © Yann Forget / Wikimedia Commons, GFDL, Link

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