Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5th, 1961 N.Y. and aboard Queen Mary

  • April 5th, 1961
  • N.Y. and aboard Queen Mary
  • Fair-occasional cloudiness
Florence Taylor now lives in N.Y. so I rang her up. Later she came to see use off, bringing a bottle of champagne for a Bon Voyage gift. Helen joined us for breakfast at the Dorset and come down, also, to see us off.

The last time I was aboard the Queen Mary was some 7-8 yrs. ago and I had forgotten what a wonderful ship she is. Our cabin is adequate-in fact fairly comfortable and after we had complied with the usual formalities, filling out our declaration forms, etc., we wondered about the ship, finally landing atop the sun deck where we lay in our chairs for about an hour, sunning ourselves.

The meals on the ship are excellent and I am afraid it will be hard on Put's waistline, be he has been warned and is paying no heed-so far!

Letters from Jim and the Moncures when we arrived aboard. Very nice-especially Jim's-which made us feel quite at home.

People on board seem to be well behaved with the few exceptions one finds anywhere.

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