Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15th, 1961 Bexhill, Sussex, England

  • April 15th, 1961
  • Bexhill, Sussex, England
  • Sunny-mild
This morning Peter drove us to Hasting (site of the battle of Hastings) where we watched Charles and James play cricket at the Central Cricket Ground. Then we explored Hastings Castle,  Situated on a high point over-looking the Sea (Eng. Channel). The castle was built by Wm. the Conqueror  in the year 1067 or 68 but its dungeons and cells were built far back in antiquity.  The Whispering dungeon is a place where prisoners were tortured and by some quality of the sandstone, whispers from the victims in the torture cells were transmitted to the guards whose purpose it was to listen.  In one of  the cell walls is a carving of a horse done by some Saxon at the beginning or near the beginning of time.*

This afternoon Kay and I with Robert and Charles went over to Egerton Park where the two boys were given a tennis lesson. Dad and Peter went to play golf.

Planned to visit a pub tonight but everyone tired, so we shall postpone it for another time.

*In the castle of Hastings there is the site of the high alter at which Thomas Becket said Mass.  He was at the Castle for about two years and Roman Catholics make pilgrimages to this holy place.

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