Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18th, 1961: St. Norberts Bexhill

  • April 18th, 1961
  • St. Norberts Bexhill
  • Sunny, mild
This morning Dad and I set out for a long walk on the promenade and a little shopping in the store section. Even their larger stores have an old world atmosphere, and a sense of crowdedness and hodgepodge. This afternoon we went back to Hastings Castle for some pictures as Dad did his camera on our first visit. We went down by the shore where the fishing vessels were coming in, and bought some nice fresh plaice for supper. Tomorrow we go to Brighton and will send a postcard to Grampy Cox from his old stomping grounds. Did a bit sewing ofr Kay today.

I am not sure who Grampy Cox was, and will have to poke around the family tree to see if I can figure it out.

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