Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12th, 1961 Meadow House, Cornsland, Brentwood, Essex

  • April 12th, 1961
  • Meadow House, Cornsland, Brentwood, Essex
  • Cloudy-raw

Took the train to London to explore London Tower which took us most of the day.  Had lunch at the Tower Restaurant.  It was our first good view of the Thames which it would be unwise to compare with any of America's rivers.  What it lacks in cleanliness and beauty is amply made up for in richness of history and tradition. At the Tower of London was saw so much that one small book could not encompass  it; The Queens' House where those who were condemned spent their last days; The place where the little Prices were murdered by their wicked uncle; St. John's Chapel where the knights kept all-night vigils; and where the Archbishop of Canterbury was murdered at the alter, and Mary Tudor was betrothed to Phillip II of Spain.  Beauchamp Tower is another interesting place. The signature of Robert Dudley is one of many interesting ones carved at the entrance, when he was imprisoned there. He later became Earl of Leicester and Elizabeth's favorite.  Around the fireplace are many inscriptions among them one by Arundel 6/22/1587.  

The Bloody Tower was built by Henry III and the tower was added over it in the reign of Richard II. Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the many imprisoned here.  Here he wrote his History of the World during the long imprisonment.

Also saw Green-site of execution of Anne Boleyn and others.

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