Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19th, 1961 St Norbert's Bexhill, England

  • April 19th, 1961
  • St Norbert's Bexhill, England
  • Raw and Cloudy
Jim called this a.m. to see if we planned to come back to Essex this weekend. Said they were counting on us. We assured him that we were. The boys left today for London. Suzanne, the maid, went with them to take care of them at their apt. in the mews. They will be at the famous cricket field at Lords for three days, learning the finer points of the game. Dad and I went to Brighton and had a wonderful promenade on the sea front and a very nice dinner. Bought a little leather change purse for Grampy Cox with the name of Brighton in gold letters upon it. He will be pleased.

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