Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22nd, 1961 Meadow House Essex

  • April 22nd, 1961
  • Meadow House Essex
  • Rainy, intermittent sun
A quiet day. Went down to the launderette in the moving and got caught up on our laundry. Ironed them all today and we are quite up to date on fresh cloths. Jim had a tooth out which required dental surgery, so we decided, because of this, and because of the weather to rest in the afternoon. Enjoyed an evening of television and conversation. News came in that a state of emergency had been declared in France, and we are awaiting more news today and tomorrow to determine whether it will be wise to go there this coming week.

I believe the reason for the state of emergency was the Algiers putsch, a failed coup d'etat in France.

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