Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11th, 1961 Meadow House, Cornsland, Brentwood, Essex, England

  • April 11th, 1961
  • Meadow House, Cornsland, Brentwood, Essex, Eng.
  • Clear, Mild Sunny
Meadow House is even more charming by daylight.  The garden is perfectly delightful and I plan to describe it more fully in my journal. Took Clarissa for a walk in the park.  We had a wonderful time with her, - a bright and very attractive little person-and enjoyed getting acquainted.

Dad went out in the afternoon exploring the countryside. Got to Ockendon, a nearby town and saw a church built in 1326, the original door is Norman and still in good condition.  He also saw the farm from which they took the merino sheep to Australia with which to start their herds.

The church that she mentioned was like St. Nicholas of Myra.

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