Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17th, 1961: St. Norberts, Bexhill, Sussex

  • April 17th, 1961
  • St. Norberts Bexhill, Sussex
  • Cloudy-Cool
This morning Peter and the boys demonstrated the fewer points of cricket to us. They have a small practice field in the garden. Dad and I took a long walk into Bexhill and did a little shopping. Visited St. Peter's Church (High Church) in Bexhill. It was consecrated in 772 and the deed of conveyance in the entrance, by Affa, King of the English, gives in ancient language, the rights of conveyance. There is also, in a glass case, the Stone of Bexhill- made of a sandstone not found in Sussex and thought to be brought by St. Wilfrith where he came to convert the Saxons. It has Saxon carvings upon it and is a thing of great antiquity. It is thought to be a relic, (possibly the covering to a saint's tomb.) which, until 800 or so was necessary in the R.C. church for the consecration of a church. Today Joan came with her children (2 of the 3 of them) for lunch. Later her husband came down to join her, have tea, and bring her home. Peter has gone to London to stay at their apt in the Mews. Joan's husband is a busy doctor and it was very gracious of him to take time from his work to meet us. Supper before the fire in the drawing room tonight.

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