Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10th, 1961-Abd Queen Mary

  • April 10th, 1961
  • Abd Queen Mary
  • Cloudy-Mild-Showery
Docked at Cherbourg at about 8:30 AM. Thrilled to see the coastline of France as we came in.  After breakfast we were permitted to leave the ship and go exploring. Most of the people walked but we took a taxi about the city.  Another passenger asked if he could join us and he spoke very good French was able to interpret much from the driver that we might have missed. Went up on Fort Roule 107 meters high and looked over Cherbourg.

Vue de la montagne du Roule depuis le bassin du commerce.

Saw the Musee de Liberation. Thought we would be wrecked going down the steep pitches with the driver gesturing with both hands off the wheel.  Fort Roule was the site of fierce fighting during the 2nd WW, 35000 Germans were trapped on the Peninsula and the Eng + Am's bombed it unceasingly for 5 days.

Our taxi driver told us the the Germans had headquarters in Cherbourg for two years prior to the outbreak of the war.

Frenzy of packing. We will go through customs about 9:00 pm. Will call Jim from Southampton. We are now in sight of the English coast.* 

Docked at Southampton and was through customs by 11 pm. Boat train very comfortable.  Much prefer the English system of side cars to our American aisle trains. "Put" and I had train compartment to ourselves and were able to relax. Jim was waiting with the car, and the ride to Brentwood was very comfortable.

Meadow House where Jim and Ann live with Clarissa (age 5) is charming with a gracious, hospitable atmosphere, reflecting its occupants.  Had tea and went to bed about 3 a.m. I do so like the English system of lavatory and bath separate, with basin and running water in the room.

*Southampton Solents

Comments: I believe Jim was a nickname for my first cousin once removed, Amos Weldon Putnam and the Ann they mention was his wife Ann Elizabeth Campbell.  Amos would have been Ervin's ("Put's") nephew.

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