Monday, February 11, 2019

My analysis of Albert David Sanders will

So there is a lot to dissect from the will.

It was written in January of 1862, a month after the death of his wife.  He died in the following October.

Here is a breakdown of who he gave money too and how much.

Value in 2019 Dollars
David Sanders
Amy W Sanders
Eleanor Baxter Sanders
Adopted Daughter
Lucy A. Reed Sanders
Adopted Daughter, daughter of Sarah Wheeler Sanders
Everett Baxter Sanders
Adopted Son
Lucy S. Sanderson
Sarah W. Sanders
Jane Caroline Reed
Albert David Sanders
Henry L. Tileston
Children of Henry L. Tileston
Brother-in-Law's children, the $1,00 is split among them.
Haydenville School District
Setting up a trust to support the school district
Haydenville Church Society
Setting up a trust to support the church society
American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions
American Home Mission Society
American Tract Society, Boston
American Tract Society, New York


So, if all of the will paid out it would have been worth $64,000.  That translates to $1,600,000 in 2019 dollars.  He made sure to cover his parents, adopted children and sisters.  He then tried to cover the rest of the family.  There is some interesting twists on school district.  He was definitely interested in covering the village of Haydenville.  This was where his factory was located.  

The will also shows what happened to Sarah Wheeler Sanders' daughter Lucy Amy Reed.  It looks like Albert and his wife adopted her after she was born.  The family story of Albert adopting Sarah's son Albert David Sanders doesn't appear to be true, because he calls him his nephew.  

There are about 705 pages to the probate record available online.  I suspect there is a lot of valuable information in there but it is hard to dig through it.  I might dig in deeper in the future.

Note: The value calculations where done on the Measuring Worth website

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