Sunday, February 3, 2019

Further information on the Reed Sanders connections

My cousin has sent me some more detail on the family stories around Benjamin Franklin Reed and Sarah Wheeler Sanders.

  • Sarah divorced B.F. Reed because he was fooling around with other women.  The story has it that he was fooling around with a lady spiritualist, so Sarah divorced him and then she followed him out to New York State, where she made them get married.
  • Later in life, B.F. became a missionary to the Native Americans in the south
  • When he was old and sick, his son David (Reed) Sanders brought him back to western Massachusetts, where he died.
  • David (Reed) Sanders changed his name because he was formally adopted by his uncle David Sanders (wife: Lilly Lawrence). The family is buried in Williamsburg because they owned a very profitable mill in Haydensville.  The mill, which may have produced brass fittings, was so profitable that they had a New York City office.  
  • Everything happened in 1864 so the women decided to move to Northampton:
    • David Sanders (husband of Amy) died
    • Lucy's husband, Asahal Sanderson of Hatfield, MA died
    • David Albert Sanders died
  • According to family memories, Lucy Sanderson participated in the underground railroad.  Since the other people in Whately that participated in the Underground Railroad were heads of the Congregational Church, and her father David Sanders, was a deacon, this would make sense.
  • She was a Mt. Holyoke graduate.

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