Thursday, February 14, 2019

More on Albert David Sanders

I found the following text and more in a handout of the website for the Society of Industrial Archaeology.

"Mr. Sanders, a native of Whately, was for several years a clerk in the drug store of J.P. Williston,
in Northampton. He went to Haydenville in January, 1838, and on the opening of the
store of J. & J. Hayden in November of that year, he took charge of their mercantile business. In
the meantime he was employed as a clerk by Joel Hayden. He remained as principal manager of
the mercantile business, several years, when he was transferred to the head of the financial department
of the button works, and in 1846 joined Mr. Hayden in the manufacturing. In 1858, he
was chosen to the Legislature from the 2d Representative District, but resigned that position at
the close of the regular session, on account of pressing business engagements. He is accounted
one of the most prudent and successful financial managers in Hampshire county."

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