Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Family Letters: Eleventh letter from Sarah Sanders Reed to Lucy Reed Lawrence

Sarah Wheeler Sanders Reed
Sarah Wheeler Sanders Reed

 Grimeel April 17

My Dear Lillie

    You letter came yesterday and am glad that you are feelin so well. I came here last Monday with cousin Lucius and I am having a very pleasant visit. The friends are all well excepting cousin Albert and I think he seems very much as he did when I was here three years ago this summer. Howard and his wife have grown old in their looks. Bernie is very much thinner in flesh and does not look as strong as she used to. Howard has not fully recovered from [ILLEGABLE] such fit of sickness he had a year ago last winter. Annie is out of town just now but expects to be home after a week or two. Yesterday I went with Cousin Lucius and Mary to a church supper and had a pleasant time. This morning I expect to go to ride with cousin Lucius and we are to call at William and Sue. The new baby six weeks old. I have been to will every day since I came. 

    I am anxious to hear from home. Albert had a postal from auntie last Saturday and she said Jennie was sick with griffer and had not been showed for two days. I hope I shall have a letter this morning saying that she is much better. If I don't I shall feel quite uneasy. Rebecca made me a black silk shirt waist and I think looks very nice. She found a remnant of silk and it is of very nice quality. I have not warn it yet. You speak of spring weather. She would better it have if they could have it. Very dry and dusty. Have had windy and [ILLEGABLE] for months.

I should like John get a situation where he is contented but wish it could be nearer home thus Battle Creek if it is best. [ILLEGABLE] him very low. I am feeling first rate and have a good apatite and sleep well. I seems as if might be of some [ILLEGABLE] a hour.\

With a great deal of love,

Yours affectionately

Sarah W. Reed

Here is a scan of the original.

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