Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Plum Pudding, the Conclusion

After Steaming
So we tried it on Christmas Day and I though I would give you a report.  FIrst, I'll go through the last steps.

First, I removed it from the fridge and re-steamed it for 2 hours.  I forgot to sprinkle it with sugar.  I the put some brandy on it and light it on fire.
Cut a served it.   Some people had it with the Brandy Butter Hard Sauce, others did not.

Of the testers (victims) one did not enjoy it, but she does like much and dislikes raisins so I am discounting here vote.

Everyone else said they enjoyed it though it was a bit rich.  Some liked the Brandy Butter, others did not.  I did not that it was a bit dry toward the center, so maybe I should steam it a bit longer for serving.  Also, the Brandy Butter was a bit strong, next time I'll actually try Merrick's recipe.  Overall, I would call it a success, and will try and do it next year early enough so it can age properly.

First Piece

With Brandy Butter

So, here is the final recipe, please let me know if you try it.

Merrick’s Old England’s Plum Pudding

1 lb raisins
1 lb currants
½ lb citron (thinly sliced)
¼ lb candied lemon peel (chopped)
½  teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon mace
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon allspice
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 lb suet
1 ½ cup brandy
1 lb bread crumbs
1 cup scalded milk
6 eggs
1 lb Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 cup molasses
1 teaspoon salt

Blend raisins, currants, citron, lemon peel, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, ground cloves, allspice, black pepper, and suet in a bowl.  Add ¼ cup brandy.  Cover tightly and refrigerate for 4 days, add ¼ cup brandy each day.

Soak bread crumbs in milk and brandy.  Combine with well-beaten eggs, flour and molasses.  Blend with the fruit mixture.  Add flour, baking soda, salt and mix thoroughly.  Put the pudding in  buttered bowls or tins, filling them about ⅔ full.  Cover with foil and tie it firmly.  Steam for 6-7 hours.    Add a dash of brandy to each pudding, cover with foil and keep in a cool place.

To use, steam again for 2-3 hours and unmold. Sprinkle with sugar; add heated french brandy. Ignite and bring to the table.  Server with Merrick’s Plum Pudding Sauce.

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