Saturday, December 17, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 15th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 15th, 1975
Aug 15

Beautiful Day-no clouds-wind gradually building to strong from south.

After Dot caught Char/togue/grayling in am in Melaile; I find char below outfall in main river. An orgy ensued.  I caught 4, 2 female, 2 male.  caught male 10 lb.  caught female 14 lbs, 35" all but one on #8 gray shut, 4th on Dare Devil. Others caught many char. Started paddling at 12am

Lunch above Mailbox rapids, then on to rapids.  Many bald eagles, 3 above Mailbox. Ran all of Mailbox except last short drop. R.H. and B.H./D.H. ran all.  

Copper in Mailbox rock walls.  Orgy of rock hounding.

12 miles.
Camped at Williams Creeks.

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