Thursday, December 22, 2016

Coppermine River Trip-August 20th, 1975

Coppermine River Trip-August 20th, 1975
Aug 20
Sluggish AM. Char for B.F. Lunch at Falls.  Brad H. played in Rapids. Paddled 10 m to Coppermine in 3 hrs

Largest Eskimo village in N. America.
250 kids, 200 adults, 50 whites, 1 Indian.

Camped next to H. Bay Store. Visited school teachers for tea and mgr. of H.B.C. for coffee.
Beautiful dogs
Persistant kids
Saw Masdon et al

Mr. & Mrs. Maeue
Hudson Bay Co.
Coppermine, M.W.T.

Beautiful view of polar sea-islands mirages-big blocks and p___ ice. Ice on Coppermine ___ s____ ago.

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