Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Masonic Record for my Granduncle Frank Houlton Putnam


Cornerstone of Masonic Building, Houlton, ME: Photo by Jason Howe
Cornerstone of Masonic Building, Houlton, ME: Photo by Jason Howe

Here is the record for my Grand Uncle Frank Houlton Putnam.

  • Name: Putnam, Frank Houlton
  • Lodge: 96
  • Initiation: 10/30/29
  • Passed 12/4/29
  • Age 37. Died Jan. 25, 1930
There is a discrepancy on his death date as other records show it as January 29th, 1930. 

Masonic Record for Frank Houlton Putnam
Masonic Record for Frank Houlton Putnam

If you want to see everything I have posted about Frank, follow the link to his biography.

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