Friday, July 14, 2023

Hotel McKinley, Canton, Ohio

J.D. Lawrence

 I came across this article about John Dresser Lawrence taking over management of the McKinley, Hotel in Canton, OH,  There is no date on it, but I suspect it was in 1905.  If you want to see a scan of the article, click here.

Hotel McKinley, Canton, Ohio

We take pleasure in presenting an illustration of the Hotel McKinley, Canton, Ohio, which in completeness of appointments and modern fittings would do credit to any city in the country. This hotel was recently placed in charge of Mr. J. D. Lawrence as manager, and it is safe to say the fine property could not br in better hands. Mr. Lawrence has mad an excellent record as manager of the Vanderbilt, Syracuse, N.Y.; the Wendell, Pittsfield, Mass.; the Mansion House, Greenfield, Mass. He has been filling of late years the position of steward at the Tod House, Youngstown, O, and Mr. George A. Baker, proprietor of the hotel, say that he never a better man in the position.

Besides being thoroughly conversant with the "back of the house," Mr. Lawrence is equally at home in the front, possessing an agreeable personality and the facility of making friends.

The Hotel McKinley will be conducted by Mr. Lawrence in a way that will give the maximum comfort to patrons.

Hotel McKinley, Canton, Ohio

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