Tuesday, February 27, 2018

May 6th, 1961-Geneva, Switzerland

  • May 6th, 1961
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • Cloudy with rain; sun toward eve.

Woke up after a miserable night with a cold mostly in throat and upper chest. Took some Strepsil (throat lozenges we got in England) and took it easy in morning. Went to dinner (noon) at the Hotel d’Alleves’ Coq Rouge on a nearby side street and had a very good meal with lovely fresh strawberries for dessert. Then went shopping and Dad found a dear little shop with the window full of Swiss clocks all working overtime and the quaintest little dolls.

Bought Mary Caroline a lovely little Swiss costume dress and hat and some dolls for all our little girls.  Found a quaint little music box for Carol with dancing figures.  Located a boys’ shop where we got alpine climbing shorts for David and little Dickie.  Took a bus tour around the city in the afternoon seeing some of the wonderful sights of Geneva: League of Nations bldg; New United Nations Palace; Russian Orthodox Church; Protestant Reform Monument; and a statue of the Duke of something or other who gave all his money to the city of Geneva that they might build him a mausoleum and a statue of himself on horseback looking out over the lake.  Unfortunately, they reversed the statue and he is now looking inland and the horse is looking over the lake.  Had supper at and open air cafe; visited Notre Dame to find out time for masses tomorrow and home for the evening.

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