Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ervin Earl Putnam's World War I Diary-December 1918

  • Sunday December 1st, 1918:
    • On pass to Verdun again. Some time coming back on engine.
  • Tuesday December 3rd, 1918:
    • Received orders to go to Bazorilles
  • Wednesday December 4th, 1918:
    • Leaft Evac. H. no. 9 at 8-30 on truck for Bar-le-Duc. Took train for Toul a 1 A.M.

  • Thursday December 5th, 1918:
    • Arrived at Neufchateau stopped all night at the "Y" slept on chairs. No blankets.

  • Friday December 6th, 1918:
    • Met Lawrence Russelll in town Parade of Algerian march under Arch De Triumph
  • Saturday December 7th, 1918:
    • Went down to Bazoilles for a stay

  • Sunday December 8th, 1918:
    • Feeding with Base #60.  Good eats and a swell place to sleep. Matress, pillow + sheets. Some class for any life.
  • Thursday December 12th, 1918:
    • Looking at the fine officers Nothing else to do.
  • Friday December 13th, 1918:
    • Tried to corner the candy market but did not have quite enough francs
  • Saturday December 14th, 1918:
    • Made another raid on the chocolate line.
  • Sunday December 15th, 1918:
    • Received orders to go to Paris. Leaft Neufchateau at 4-44 p.m.
  • Monday December 16th, 1918:
    • Traveled all night by way of Bar-le-Duc + Chateau Theiuz. Got in Paris at 8-30 a.m.

  • Tuesday December 17th, 1918:
    • Saw P.Wilson + wondered around all day. Met Wood at the "y" got directions from him so will leave for the shop to-day. Outside Maillott Gate.
  • Wednesday December 18th, 1918: 
    • Nothing doing all day. Reported at Repair shop. Went down to Palais de Glace to see some boxing
    • Good bouts.
X-Ray Repair Shop, Paris, France-1918

  • Friday December 20th, 1918:
    • Nothing doing as usual. Came near signing the Pay roll but missed out.
"French Camion" Paris, France

  • Saturday December 21st, 1918:
    • Down to Palais De Glaci Took a trip around city.

English Camion, Paris

  • Sunday December 22nd, 1918:
    • Stayed home all day  Rainy as usual. Saw P. Wilson at Neuilfy Hospital
  • Monday December 23rd, 1918:
    • Took in boxing at the Palais de Glaci in the evening. Fine boute 
  • Tuesday December 24th, 1918:
    • Half day holiday Rainy as the deuce. Stayed in. In charge of quarters in the evening.
    • Bed Check: 
    • U.S. "Portable Outfit" Paris France
      • Edwards
      • Put. Colton
      • Put. Dovast
      • Put. Millar
      • Sgt. Ryuson
      • Sgt. Turns
      • Put. Johnson
      • Put. Harris
      • Put. McSweeney
      • Put. McDermot
  • Wednesday December 25th, 1918:
    • Had dinner at the hospital. Supper at "Gare St. Lazare".

  • Thursday December 26th, 1918:
    • Had half day off went down to Boul Des Italiens to Art Galerie. Some place.

  • Friday December 27th, 1918:
    • Rainy as the duece half holiday stayed in quarters.
  • Saturday December 28th, 1918:
    • Down to the Invalids and Napoleans tomb. To Champs Elysies Theartre in evening.

  • Sunday December 29th, 1918:
    • Cummings phophesies that we'll be home in six weeks. S-O-M-E ------.
X-Ray Camions Paris Dec. 1918

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