Monday, April 25, 2016

Ervin Earl Putnam's World War I Diary-October 1918

  • Tuesday October 1st, 1918:
    • Bringing wounded in off the front. Some bunch.
  • Wednesday October 2nd, 1918:
    • Loafed all day. Called out at 10 p.m.
  • Thursday October 3rd, 1918:
    • Arrived at E.H. No. 9 at Taubecaut 11-30 p.m. Worst dump yet.
I haven't been able to locate Taubecaut, but suspect it is somewhere between Souilly and Verdun.
  • Friday October 4th, 1918:
    • Shaged stretchers all night. Continue 4 all night tonight.
  • Saturday. October 5th, 1918:
    • Another drive started. Patients coming in fast.
  • Sunday October 6th, 1918:
    • Doing x-Ray worked at last. Nothing doing. Helped load an ambulance train.
  • Monday October 7th, 1918:
    • In Danbeciut. In first time all shot up by the Huns. Not win a "Y" at this H.
Cannot locate this city either, once again suspect it is around Souilly.
  • Tuesday October 8th, 1918: Sorilly, France
    • Took a trip to Sorilly by truck.

  • Wednesday October 9th, 1918:
    • Nothing doing in the pay line. All the towns have been knocked to pieces by shells.
  • Thursday October 10th, 1918:
    • Still working nights. Fair. Busy as hell
  • Friday October 11th, 1918:
    • Still so. Rain
  • Saturday October 12th, 1918:
    • Busy as usual. Rain. Nothing doing.
  • Sunday October 13th, 1918:
    • Drive still continues in the Aigonne.

  • Monday October 14th, 1918:
    • Busy night + day. Rain.
  • Tuesday October 15th, 1918:
    • Paid today. 371 francs. Rain.
  • Wednesday October 16th, 1918: Vaubrecourt
    • In to Vaubrecourt. Rain

I'm not convinced of this location, it could be Vaubecout.
  • Monday October 21st, 1918:
    • Y.M. Opened up. Bought cigarettes + some jam.
  • Tuesday October 22nd, 1918: Verdun, France
    • Up to Verdun, five shells landed while there. Some place. Vaubecourt

Section of trench, North of Verdun-1918

Downed Biplane, Verdun, France

Downed Biplane, Verdun, France

  • Wednesday October 23rd, 1918:
    • Air raid last night. Knocked the windows out of X-Ray Room. Getting close.
  • Thursday October 24th, 1918:
    • Nothing doing
At the end of the month, Ervin referenced some postcards labeled views of Brest from the Thompson Illustragraph Co. Petersburg, VA.

  • #7127 Camp View
  • 7175 Camp Port Brest
  • 7132 Napolens Barraks
  • 7172 Brest Harbor
He also had another address: Roy C. Parker, Dallas Txas. 1915-1917 Commerse St. c/o Dallas Oakland Sales Co.

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