Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ervin Earl Putnam's World War I diary April 1918

Ervin started to take notes on his X-Ray training in his diary at the end of March into April. I have tried to include them but left the dates out as they seemed irrelevant.

  • 140 v. a.c. Idle
  • 117 V. a.c. Load
  • Gives 5 M.A.
  • For Flouriscopic
  • For pictures
  • 160 v. a.c. Idle
  • 117 v. a.c. Loaded
  • Gives 10. M.A.
  • Distance 20”
  • Exposure formula
  • If two bodies are in the same plane they have the same shadow traverse. Conversely.
  • Triangular Methode
  • Tube shift 10 c.m.
  • Traverse shadow is opposite direction
  • Localizating
  • 10 base is to other
  • 2 base as anodal tube
  • Distance miners x is to x

  • Strolls Method
    • 1. Determine vertical ray. 2. Determaine anode-plate distance which should be 60 c.m. 3. Place plate on table and place marker at place where vertical ray passes. 4. Make setting to be 10 c.m. Tube shift.
    • Place patient so foreign body will not lie in plane of tube shift.
    • With indicator in position place central ray over marker.
    • Expose
    • Move tube 5 c.m. to left and mark skin. Move to

  • Saturday April 20th, 1918:
    • Received orders to go to Army Med. at Washington, D.C. at 11-30. Leaft on 7:30 train.
  • Sunday April 21st, 1918:
    • Reported to school at 12-30.  Then wandered around city.  British aviator flies around monument.
  • Monday April 21st, 1918:
    • First class 9- to 1030 Drilled on capitol grounds till 12. Reported back at 1
  • Tuesday April 23rd, 1918:
    • Chart of wiring + Chart of Rheostate Buttons.  Finished
  • Wednesday April 24th, 1918:
    • Organized ball team first practice.
  • Thursday April 25th, 1918:
    • Plan of dark room finished.  Ruth laws gave exhibitium
  • Friday April 26th, 1918:
    • Liberty Day. 50,000 people in parade.
  • Saturday April 27th, 1918:
    • First quiz and ball game in afternoon.
  • Sunday April 28th, 1918:
    • Went to monument and the National Museum.
    • Col. Lee Loops the loop again

  • C Hearts Compass right 10 c.m. and mark skin
  • Explore in this position
  • Make exposures in both places on the same plate.

The transcription I have seems to skill May, 1918 so I will pick up with July in the next post on this.

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