Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Beginning

Alright, this is an experiment.  I've been messing about with researching the family's genealogy for a while and keep coming upon fun and interest stories and facts.  I keep meaning to write them down and keep reorganizing the way I do things.  Therefore, I though I would force myself to put it someplace more public.   This blog will primarily cover from both my parents ancestors though I may take tangents if I find something fun and interesting.  This could include information on places the family lived or visited.  Additionally, since I really am doing this to give a knowledge of the family to my kids, I will have some info on my wife's family.
I'll try and put info in the start of each blog so you can quickly see which branch I am working on.  On my dad's side, this includes the Putnam and Connolly branches and on my Mom's, the Wright and Smith branches.  My wife's family will be label as Carey or Welch.
My understanding of the family history changes regularly and therefore things I post will represent my understanding at the time.  Given that I have and will continue to follow red herrings, I might have it wrong.  Feel free to comment and tell me.    

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