Tuesday, February 23, 2016

David Joy Wright's Obituary

A while back I came across my great grandfather David Joy Wright's obituary and I thought I would share it here.  He died in 1908.
David Joy Wright's Family

David J. Wright Dead

Widely Known as Trader of Horses and Carriages

NORTHAMPTON, March 2-David J. Wright, age 57 years, died suddenly at his home on West st this morning of heart disease.  Mr. Wright was born in this city Feb 9, 1851, the son of Asa and Harriet Clark Wright. his father was for many years head farmer at the Northampton state hospital.
David Wright started as a clerk in the store here, of which he afterward became the proprietor.  he was widely known as an auctioneer and trader in horses and carriages, and was for many years treasurer of the Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden agriculture society.
He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Jane C. Reed of Northampton two sons, Edward, who graduated from Amherst college last year and David S., who is now in Amherst, and a brother, Charles B. Wight of Haverhill.

Interestingly, his death certificate lists the cause of death as "Heart Disease secondary to repeated attacks of Rheumatism".

David Joy Wright in front of his store

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