Saturday, September 7, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 7


David Sanders' Mill Records Page 7
David Sanders' Mill Records Page 7


July 22 Elisha Tilestone D.
To 8 bushels wet corn         6.40
27th To 8 bushels wet corn         6.40
Frank Bartlett D.
To 8 bushels rye + corn Paid                 6.40
Rodolphus Sanderson G                 6.40
By 8 bushels Cash to [ILLEGIBLE] 6.40
Austin + Greeves Craft D.
30th To 4 bushels corn                 3.20
August 3rd To 4 bushels corn         3.00
C By drawing corn from Easthampton                 7.21
C By meal to Haydenville                 1.19
Dort Bardwell D.
5th To 1 bushel corn                    80
8 To 2 bushels corn                 1.50
Austin + G Craft D.
To 4 bushels corn                         3.00
Elisha Tilestone D.
10 To 12 bushels corn                 9.00
David Sanders D.
To 2 bush Provender Dean Smith                 1.04


  • Total for page is $61.94 with is $2,530.25 in today's dollars/

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