Monday, September 2, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 4 to 6


Page 4 Mill Records - D Sanders
Page 4 Mill Records - D Sanders

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Page 5 Blank

Page 6: 1846 June and July
Page 6: 1846 June and July


Page 4

Mill Records - D. Sanders

Page 6

1846 Grain Account
June         Austin + Greeves Craft D.
20th         To 4 bushels corn 3.60
24th         C by Drawing Board
                Easthampton         8.08
                To 4 bushels corn last April 3.60
25th         To 4 bushels corn 3.60

27th         John Wood D.
        To 3 bushels corn 2.70
        Joseph Marsh D.
        To 3 bushels corn 2.55
        C by charge to D Sanders 2.55
July         Austin Craft C
7th         by carry Meed Haydenville 1.07
        Joseph B Alileot D.
        To 2 bushels Procenter 1.12
        Austin Craft D.
13th         To 4 bushels corn 3.40
Paid         Rufel Wait D.
        To 1 Bushes corn    85
Paid         Richardson D.
20         To 2 Bushels corn 1.60


  •  Total is $34.72 which is equal to $1,418.31 in todays dollars

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