Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Location of David Sanders Mills

 I found the location of David Sanders Gris and Lumber mills, shop, his home and the home of Benjamin Franklin read on a 1858 map of Whitely, MA on the Whatley Historical Society page.

Here is the full map:

1858 Map of Whately, MA
1858 Map of Whately, MA

The properties are in the south central area of the map and here is a close up showing them.  David Sanders is labeled David Saunders on the map and Benjamin Franklin Reed ids R.F. Reed.  

Close up of Mill location, Whately, MA
Close up of Mill location, Whately, MA

 Here is a currently map of western Massachusetts for reference:

Monday, September 9, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 8

David Sanders' Mill Records Page 8
David Sanders' Mill Records Page 8


B F Reed                 D.
To half bushel corn                        37
15th To 2 bushels corn             1.50

Elisha Tilestone         D.
To 4 bushels corn                     3.00
17th To 12 bushels corn             9.00

Austin + Greeves Craft D.
To 4 bushels corn             3.00
18th To 2 bushels corn             1.60

B F Reed         D.
19th To 2 bushels procender             1.00

Paid Samuel Wait         D.
To 1 bushel corn                75

Elisha Tolestone D.
22nd To 24 bushels yest corn 80      19.20

Justin Morton C
By 24 bushels corn                   18.24

David Sanders         D.
To 2 Bushels corn + rye             1.55

B F Reed         D.
To 1 ½ bushels corn     1.12


  • Total 60.33, which is $2,464.48 in today's dollars

Saturday, September 7, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 7


David Sanders' Mill Records Page 7
David Sanders' Mill Records Page 7


July 22 Elisha Tilestone D.
To 8 bushels wet corn         6.40
27th To 8 bushels wet corn         6.40
Frank Bartlett D.
To 8 bushels rye + corn Paid                 6.40
Rodolphus Sanderson G                 6.40
By 8 bushels Cash to [ILLEGIBLE] 6.40
Austin + Greeves Craft D.
30th To 4 bushels corn                 3.20
August 3rd To 4 bushels corn         3.00
C By drawing corn from Easthampton                 7.21
C By meal to Haydenville                 1.19
Dort Bardwell D.
5th To 1 bushel corn                    80
8 To 2 bushels corn                 1.50
Austin + G Craft D.
To 4 bushels corn                         3.00
Elisha Tilestone D.
10 To 12 bushels corn                 9.00
David Sanders D.
To 2 bush Provender Dean Smith                 1.04


  • Total for page is $61.94 with is $2,530.25 in today's dollars/

Monday, September 2, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 4 to 6


Page 4 Mill Records - D Sanders
Page 4 Mill Records - D Sanders

Page 5 Blank
Page 5 Blank

Page 6: 1846 June and July
Page 6: 1846 June and July


Page 4

Mill Records - D. Sanders

Page 6

1846 Grain Account
June         Austin + Greeves Craft D.
20th         To 4 bushels corn 3.60
24th         C by Drawing Board
                Easthampton         8.08
                To 4 bushels corn last April 3.60
25th         To 4 bushels corn 3.60

27th         John Wood D.
        To 3 bushels corn 2.70
        Joseph Marsh D.
        To 3 bushels corn 2.55
        C by charge to D Sanders 2.55
July         Austin Craft C
7th         by carry Meed Haydenville 1.07
        Joseph B Alileot D.
        To 2 bushels Procenter 1.12
        Austin Craft D.
13th         To 4 bushels corn 3.40
Paid         Rufel Wait D.
        To 1 Bushes corn    85
Paid         Richardson D.
20         To 2 Bushels corn 1.60


  •  Total is $34.72 which is equal to $1,418.31 in todays dollars