Friday, March 24, 2023

Lucy Sanders Sanderson Obituary Daily Hampshire Gazette June 10th, 1910

 Daily Hampshire Gazette June 10th, 1910



Mrs. Lucy S. Sanderson, for nearly fifty years a resident of West street in this city died at the home of Mrs. David J. Wright Saturday evening, age 89. For many years she has been confined to the house and because of an affection of the heart her death has been many times expected, but a remarkable constitution, indomitable will and the best of care have prolonged her life and her mind has remained principled almost to the end. Born at West Brook in Whately, July 1, 1821, her father, Deacon David Sanders, besides being a prosperous farmer, was the mills man of the town, running a grist-mill, saw-mill, and turning-mill, and her mother was Amy Wheeler, being a descendant of the Concord patriots, Grandfather Wheeler's picture as a defender of the stores in the Revolution being shown in Goodrich's school history of the early days.  She attended Mt. Holyoke seminary under Mary Lyon, also a privates school in Amherst and with her sister at Townsend. Many Mt. Holyoke  alumnae will remember with pleasure the remanences which she wrote [ILLEGABLE] reunion held three years ago at Northfield. She was musically inclined and her father bought for her the first piano owned in Whately. She was married in 1861 to Asahel W. Sanderson of Indian Hill, Whatley. who died in 1863, and since that time she has resided in Northampton. Mrs. Sanderson was a member of the Edwards church, and the funeral service was held un their chapel his afternoon, Rev. Mr. Butler officiating. Burial in the Sanders family lot at Haydenville.  Mrs. Sanderson was of strong mind and bright intellect, high courage, and sterling character. She is survived by a younger sister, Mrs. Sarah W. Reed, and two nieces, Mrs. Jane C. Wright and Mrs. Lillie Lawrence, all of 67 West street, and a nephew, Albert D. Sanders of Chicago. Prayer was offered at the house by Rev. J.W. [ILLEGABLE] of North Hadley, a previous pastor. The bearers were Dr. A.G. Doane, Edward N. Wright, David Sanders Wright and C.H. Johnson.

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