Friday, March 17, 2023

Family Letters: Tenth Letter from Sarah Wheeler Sanders to Lucy Amy Reed-March 17th, 1895

Sarah Wheeler Sanders Reed
Sarah Wheeler Sanders Reed

Sunday Afternoon

My Dear Lillie

    I was glad to hear from you for it seemed a good while since you wrote last. Do you not think that you can come home this vacation it seems a good while since you were here last thanksgiving. The term closes I think the third of April and there will be two weeks vacation.  This term has been thirteen weeks one week longer then usual. I am very sorry to hear that you have a bad cold and soar throat but think there has been much sickness and in many other places the last few weeks. I had a slight attack of [ILLEGABLE] week before last and had the Dr. down and he said he had not been so busy for ten years.

Little David was in bed a day or two last week but has been alright today. He has had a hard winter. If he takes a little cold it brings on a hard cough and he gets cold so easy.  Jennie is not at all well and I do not think she will be till we have more settled weather. WE have not heard from Evanston for nearly two weeks but I think they have been considerably well this winter. Cousin [ILLEGABLE] was sick [ILLEGABLE] with Bronchitis for two weeks as [ILLEGABLE] but has gone home I think. Mr and Mrs Josiah Pasnen were here to dine yesterday he is wonderfully sound for a man in his eighty ninth year. I have not seen aunt Helen for two or three weeks but she expects to work for [ILLEGABLE] the last week in March. I am inclined to think she will go back to California when she gets her affairs settled.

I went to church this morning and we had a very impressive sermon from Mr. Vandyke from the words it is appointed unto man once to die and after death the judgement. It is just one year today since father Strong died March seventeenth.

Little Ruths birthday comes one week from tomorrow the twenty fifth. I presume she will have a party. Old Ted is a Wright and has a great appetite but does not grow fat as I should think he might. Emma is very attentive to his wants and he gets a good deal of waiting. Her father was taken sick yesterday and she is at home but we hope it will be but for a few days. I hope that you will be careful of yourself these days I think March a very trying month.

Let us hear from you as often as you can. Auntie sends love.

Love to John.

Yours affectionately

Sarah W, Reed

Come home if you can.

  • There is a clue in here as to the date of the letter.  She mentions that Father Strong died one year ago on March 17th.  Her daughter in Law Rebecca Strong's father was Ebenezer Strong and he died on March 17th, 1894.  Therefore this letter was written on March 17th, 1895.  
Here is the original letter.

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