Monday, February 6, 2023

Family Letters: Sixth letter from Sarah Wheeler Sanders to her daughter Lucy Amy Reed


Sunday Afternoon

My dear Lillie

We got you letter yesterday acknowledging the receipt of the night dresses.

 By the way they have some which I had in the house but they had fun was had and I thought you would like them better then those that had not been laundered.

I can get some more when I need them. 

I am sorry to hear that you have overdone but hope that you will keep very quiet until you are better.  Let us hear how you are. We heard from Evanston Friday all well expecting Father Strong and I think he seems to be failing. His fever had [ILLEGIBLE] few weeks and his [ILLEGIBLE] was 100. and his mind which been very clear seemed confused the morning A. wrote and I think that a bad situation. Hope we hear again soon. They are well at Jennies and mother Wright went to church today for the first time this year.  We have been having [ILLEGIBLE] family for a few days being the twenty second of February.  Aunties hand is better but not a strong as usual. Aunt Helen is still with us has been doing some work for Jennie.  I [ILLEGIBLE] you can keep warm these dreadfully cold days. Mercury went go below zero at [ILLEGIBLE] this morning. Ted is fat and flourishing. [ILLEGIBLE] good if he can have all the raw meat he wants.

[ILLEGIBLE] not well and we have to be careful of her. We do not let her do any lifting.  ([ILLEGIBLE] weakness).  I have been to church this morning for the second time this year. I am afraid we shall have more snow it looks like it this afternoon.

I am very glad that John sings in church. He will more interested to go and I hope he will get a blessing. I think it will be very pleasant for you to have him go.

Aunty sends her love. Little D. has just come in and he sends his love to you. I am yours with much love.

   Sarah W. Reed

Helen is looking for [ILLEGIBLE]

Here is the scanned letter.

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