Thursday, August 29, 2024

David Sanders' Mill Account books from the 1840s Book 1 page 2

Page 2, 1847 July Grain Sold out of the mill
Page 2, 1847 July Grain Sold out of the mill


Transcription of Page 3

1847 July Grain sold out of the Mill

|| M. Abbot 1 bushel rye                                       1.12
+M. Ruaph Provende                                        X1.50
X James Beefrer % corn1.50 Buckwheat.50    X2.00
X Col Harwood 2 bushels corn                        X2.00
Col Harwood 2 bushels corn                               1.80
| M. Abbot 2 bushels [ILLEGIBLE]                   1.30
XStranger 1 ½ bushels corn                             X1.35
XM. Oeutt 2 bushels corn                                X1.80


  • Total value $12.87 (today's value: $493.69 in value today)

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